Special Diets and Food Allergies

Cedar-Lodge-Food-17When we opened for business just over twelve years ago (July 14, 2000 to be exact) there was a lady who stayed with us on a fairly frequent basis who was lactose intolerant.  Even though I had heard of this problem, it was my first encounter with preparing food for those who may be allergic or intolerant of certain food items.

Fast forward to today and a typical day in our kitchen where we are consistently working around various food allergies and special dietary needs.  Highly allergic to nuts, cannot have gluten, no diary . . . no problem!  Our most challenging yet was a guest who needed a gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free, vegetarian diet.  I have to admit, I did have to ponder that one for a while.  In the end we had an extremely happy guest!

So, if you’re nervous about staying with us because of special dietary needs – worry no more!  Just be sure to let us know in advance of your stay and we will work to provide you with a meal you not only enjoy now, but will continue to enjoy later ; )  Bon Appetit!